The life of a chicken bred for meat is usually between 35 and 49 days. They are kept in long sheds that house up to 45,000 birds. They are forced to sit in their own excrement and kept awake with artificial light so they eat and grow super fast. When they reach slaughter weight they are roughly handled and thrown into large trucks and transported to the abattoir. This will be the only time they see sun.
Donate to our broiler habitat project here.
These birds have been bred to grow abnormally fast but they are in fact, just babies. They still have their blue eyes, and make chirping sounds even though they look like adult chickens.
In order for us to rescue these highly genetically modified creatures, we need a special habitat. Hens raised for meat are subject to irreparably broken legs, heart attacks, heat stress and other cardiovascular issues.

The facility we have designed will provide soft floors and ramps to avoid leg issues, selective low calorie feeds, air conditioning and other cooling systems to minimise heat stress and lots of interesting slopes and hollows for them to safely play in during their short period of life.
Donate to our broiler habitat project here.
The average life span of birds rescued from meat factories is between 9 and 15 months, even with special care. It is so incredibly important that our sanctuary visitors meet these beautiful little animals and see for themselves how compromised they are because of the way that they have been bred. You won’t believe it!
With your support, we will build them their very own barn and secure yard. The barn will have windows and a skylight but will also be insulated. We will install an air conditioner to keep them cool in the summer months. Over the next ten years the habitat will house around 150 of these fragile and friendly creatures.
Will you help us to reach our goal and give these sweet birds the best life possible? Remember, any amount really helps and if you share this appeal, the more likely we will raise the funds we need to make this happen.
Donate to our broiler habitat project here.
Thank you so much. We can’t do this without you.