Avery the chicken has a lucky escape

Avery came into our care under heartbreaking circumstances. It is believed that she was discarded, possibly due to her scissor beak condition. When she arrived at the sanctuary here in beautiful Queensland, Australia, her journey to a better life truly began.
Avery is just a baby, but her young life has already been filled with challenges. She was discovered in a distressing situation, abandoned, and seemingly left to die, possibly due to her scissor-beak condition, where her upper and lower beaks don't align correctly.
While most chickens with scissor-beak conditions can live full and happy lives, in large sheds housing around 40,000 chickens bred for their meat, individualised care becomes nearly impossible. Unfortunately, in such environments, it's common practice to remove and discard dead, sick, or injured chickens, which seems to have been Avery's fate.
But Avery's story took a different turn because someone with a kind heart recognised her will to live, and understood her life matters.
Avery was rescued.
When Avery arrived at our sanctuary, her loving, forever home, she arrived in the evening, we placed her with Rambo - another rescued meat chicken - who immediately extended his warmth and protection to her.
Naturally, Avery was scared in her unfamiliar surroundings, but we know that Rambo will communicate to her that we can be trusted, and that in time she will learn she is now safe. Instead of rough hands, she will now receive only the special attention and gentle care she truly deserves.
Farm Animal Rescue is committed to providing Avery with a loving home for her entire life, where she can thrive alongside her fellow animal residents, serving as an inspiration to us all with her resilience and spirit.

Rescued chicken experiences freedom
As we opened our hearts to Avery in September 2023, we couldn't help but marvel at her strength and spirit. Despite the challenges she has faced, her determination shines through. Avery's scissor beak is a part of her unique identity, and it doesn't define her worth. She is a living example of how animals, like humans, have their own individuality and deserve love and care.
Our team at Farm Animal Rescue is dedicated to providing Avery with the specialised care she needs to thrive. We believe that every animal deserves to live their best life, and Avery is no exception. She will now live her best life at sanctuary, surrounded by fellow animal residents who share her journey towards a brighter future.