Cow and her baby rescued
Unlike so many cows in the meat and dairy industries in Australia, Coco was one of the lucky ones.
Arriving at Farm Animal Rescue on 1st February 2018 she also came with her baby George. And whether she was just not cut out to be a mum full-time, or whether new baby George's constant attention was simply too tiresome over the days (mums know how that feels!), we love how, one day, she simply left him safely with the herd and went off for some me-time.
Just like all mothers feel, she just needed a day off!
And being the opportunist why not take every advantage of her new herd family to and allow everybody to take turns babysitting?
We've cherished being able to watch her blossom at the sanctuary, and she is chilled, calm, and mature presence in the herd. Like so many mums we know, she mostly goes unnoticed and thinks about others before herself.
Rescued cow Coco livng her best life
But we can tell she adores her freedom and life at the sanctuary. Not only a rapacious eater who simply adores her food, but she also loves spending her days nibbling the sweet grass, sipping the cool water from the dams, swatting the occasional fly from her back, listening to the cicadas in the late afternoon, and in the shade of a nearby tree, sometimes standing, sometimes on her haunches with her now grown-up son, George.