Wilby - Farm Animal Rescue


Meet our supremely dashing Wilbur, affectionately known as Wilby. Although a senior, Wilby has the energy level of a youngster, bringing a zest for life to any homestead. He’s bustling with personality and is bound to make your heart overflow with compassion and joy.

As an enthusiast of the mud bath, Wilby basks in the joy of a good day outdoors, turning dirt into a playful spa session. He’s the perfect blend of relaxation and mischief. With his sociable nature, he’s quickly become the heart of every party, especially relishing the company of other animals, and holding quite the fondness for cows.

Please ensure to check with your local council regarding their rules for housing pigs. Offering Wilby a loving home where he can continue his days in mud-bathing glory would be nothing short of a dream come true for this delightful chap.



Farm Animal Rescue Inc.

1713 Dayboro Road
QLD 4521

FAR Management Committee

President - Brad King
Treasurer - Chris Harvell
Director - Carol Slater
Director - Cheryl Evans
Director - Leizl Estioko
Secretary - Olivia Spadina

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