How long have you been working with FAR?
I've been a volunteer for around 18 months helping at the market stalls and clean up days at the sanctuary.
What made you start to volunteer initially?
I did a tour of the sanctuary in 2018 with my partner. I saw the broiler chickens and learnt for the first time saw how they are genetically engineered to make them grow faster and what that does to their bodies. From then on, I decided I needed to do more to help the sanctuary to be able to provide a safe and secure home for the animals that are living there. Providing my time at events is my way to contribute.
What do you love best about your work?
Meeting different people from different walks of life with the same beliefs and values as mine.
What do you find hard about your work?
I don't think there is anything overly complex about it. However, I would find it quite challenging being a volunteer at the sanctuary, exposed to the animals that have been abused and mistreated.
Who is your favourite resident?
I don't have a favourite resident, but I love goats. Having anything to do with goats makes me smile. I love how cheeky and mischievous they can be.
What's something surprising about you?
I have a partner who is closer to my adult children's age than mine.
I can sometimes be a bit shy, except when talking about things I'm passionate about, like mechanical things and animal welfare.
Is there anything else you'd like FAR supporters to know about you?
I grew up in the bush in Botswana, Southern Africa, where we could explore the bush until our hearts were content, with the only rule from Mom and Dad being that I needed to be home before the sunset.