Meet the rescued farm animals - Farm Animal Rescue

FAR Residents

Meet some of the free-roaming animals who we have rescued at FAR

Farm Animal Rescue is home to over 100 rescued pigs, cows, goats, sheep and chickens who have been rescued from the animal agriculture or food industry. Read their stories here...

Isabella and carer Sally


Isabella the Rescued Dorper Lamb One lucky lamb Isabella is a Dorper/Damara cross lamb, and we suspect, as many of this breed, she was bred to be killed for her meat. In early January 2013, Isabella had only just been born and was with her mother on a farm where buyers can pre-order their meat […]


Breeding Bull Lives in Solitary Confinement Murray was used as a breeding bull before coming to Farm Animal Rescue, and because of this he was kept in solitary confinement, away from other cattle.  Then somehow ended up at a  Sunshine Coast animal shelter, who was to auction him off.  But the animal lover at the […]
Davis Lamb


Davis rescued lamb Rescued in 2018 from a cold Victorian winter Alone and frightened In the winter of 2018 the FAR investigations team visited Victoria to get a first-hand look at the effects of winter lambing on sheep. What we found was heartbreaking. With mums unable to protect their tiny offspring from the Victorian winter, […]
Phoenix the rescued rooster


Phoenix the Rooster: A Story of Resilience and Second Chances Although we do not know how Phoenix came to be homeless, we do know that he was taken into care by the Animal Welfare League when he was only a baby rooster. Distraught that they couldn’t find him a home because there are always so […]
Lola rescued lamb


Lola the rescued lamb Lola was born on a commercial farm, but things did not go well for her as her mother struggled to feed her.  She ended up being bottle fed by the farmhouse. However, after a while the bottle feeding became too much for the farmer and she decided to leave Lola outside […]


Scarlett almost froze to death on the side of the road. No mother, no one caring about her, all on a freezing wet and windy night. Now warm, dry and cared for, Scarlett is a proud #Project15million rescue and is a marvellous ambassador for all of the lambs who aren’t so lucky.  
Coco rescued cow Farm Animal Rescue


Cow and her baby rescued Unlike so many cows in the meat and dairy industries in Australia, Coco was one of the lucky ones. Arriving at Farm Animal Rescue on 1st February 2018 she also came with her baby George.  And whether she was just not cut out to be a mum full-time, or whether […]


Boris was born in 2010 and arrived at sanctuary on 20th April 2018.  He is one of the most approachable of the sanctuary steers, in fact he really likes to approach you when you aren’t looking and push you over! So we keep a little bit of distance. A lot of the younger steers seem […]


George lives at sanctuary with his mother. He is a very small breed, and even though he is nearly one year old is still quite tiny. He is a very friendly steer who loves having cuddles.


Farm Animal Rescue Inc.

1713 Dayboro Road
QLD 4521

FAR Management Committee

President - Brad King
Treasurer - Chris Harvell
Director - Carol Slater
Director - Cheryl Evans
Director - Leizl Estioko
Secretary - Olivia Spadina

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